Monday, February 24, 2014

Review of Ript Revenge Disc Golf Card Game

After playing countless rounds of disc golf at the same course, sometimes you just want to change things up.  Ript Revenge is a card game that challenges you to use different throws and strategies while you play.  Ript Revenge is played by dealing cards to each player before the game begins.  Each player can only play one card per hole and may use the card on themselves or their opponents.  The cards vary from directly affecting a players score, preventing them from using a certain type of disc(s) on a hole, or even making them carry another players bag.  While the scores may get a bit ridiculous and it will not be an accurate measure of your game, the practice of different techniques the game forces upon you are quite valuable.  At the very least the game prepares you to take different shots at different distances.  For example a card may require you to roll a drive.  While rolling may not be something players even use, it can come in handy when the tree lines are low or passages are scattered to the basket.  Practicing in a relaxed environment will help in more competitive situations.  What I wish the game included were more cards that last the duration of the game.  For example I wish there were a card that would require a player to focus on using only three discs of their choice.  This would help them learn how to use a select few discs in a greater variety of situations.  I would rate the game 4 out of 5 its pretty near perfect and quite affordable at $5.99 off of Marshall street.

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